These two… I just can’t, y’all! I had so much fun with Francis and Daniel. A little bit of a back story… these two absolutely LOVE flowers, so much so that Francis’s engagement ring is custom designed to look like a FLOWER (It is gorgeous, just wait ’til you see it!). So naturally, a cherry blossom session seemed like the perfect fit! We moved their session around and back and forth quite a few times (Shoutout to winter for STILL being a thing), and after Daniel had changed his flight for a second time, we decided to just go for it! I was absolutely heartbroken that the blossoms were holding out on us, until Francis asked if we could stop by the Smithsonian Gardens. She heard that there may be some Magnolia blooms, and when we arrived, it was like a gorgeous pink floral wonderland. PRAISE BE!! We started their session at the Jefferson Memorial and finished over at the Smithsonian Gardens. Their engagement session was about as classic DC as you can get!!
Guys, I just can’t wait for you to see how GORGEOUS these two are! From Francis’s red ballgown to her white dress with the most stunning floral detail, your jaw is going to drop! But, what is truly special about these two is the way they look at each other! Each time I told them to snuggle or giggle to the other, you could see the strength in their bond and their pure excitement for what the future holds!
One of my favorite things to share has become the part of my pre-contract questionnaire where I ask my sweet couples what they love the most about the other. It is always so incredible to get to know my couples from the person that knows them best, and so, I wanted to share with you what Francis and Daniel had to say about each other:
“I love her ambition. I love that she has high reaching goals, and I am confident that she will be able to achieve them. Being with her makes me feel that much more confident in myself, and in us as a couple.”
I think I could spend all day with these two, if I wanted! Their personalities fit together perfectly, and you can tell that they are truly so beyond excited to spend forever with each other.
“I love his kindness. He is always thoughtful and considerate of others, and has only love and patience.”
It gives me ALL the feels!! I am so excited to share a little with you from this (chilly) sunrise session! Shoutout to Francis and Daniel for braving a chilly spring morning for some amazing light! Have I ever mentioned that I have the best clients ever?! Keep on scrolling to see these two and their sweetness!
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