Welcome to the New Cait Kramer Photography!

Oh what an exciting day…welcome to the brand new look of Cait Kramer Photography! If you’ve been following me for a while now, you’re probably thinking something along the lines of….”uh Caity did you not just rebrand this summer?” And the answer is…yes. Yes, I did! Surprisingly enough, however, this new look has actually been in the works for quite some time….even before my midsummer rebrand! It just came to be way sooner than anticipated!

After diving into my customer experience, setting some goals for my business and really creating a cohesive plan for the future, I realized that the site I launched a few months ago no longer really matched my vision and the way I want to be serving you both now and well into the future. I wanted a online presence that would grow with me both as a business owner and photographer and felt like the site that I designed myself a few months ago wasn’t the best for that. Cue green tea on tap, brainstorming sessions & more to-do lists than I can count!

I wanted, not only a beautiful and branded site for you to engage with, but I wanted beautiful and branded materials to help support your entire client experience, from your initial inquiry to well after your shoot. Much of this is still in the works, but it is so important to me that each piece of my contact with current and prospective clients is cohesive, professional and answers each and every one of your questions in a way that was both easy to understand and beautiful to look at! So…I did a little brainstorming, some soul searching, research, and decided that a partial rebrand and buildout was necessary!

Enter Bittersweet Designs…oh my goodness I owe them my sanity, about a million hugs and all of the puffy pink heart emojis. {I also want you to know that this post is absolutely not partnered or promoted in any way by Bittersweet Designs…I am just so incredibly thankful for their amazing design, products and customer service!} While I do have a little bit of design experience myself, I by no means consider myself a designer…especially when it comes to web. I knew I needed a help from some professionals, and was so thankful to have found some amazing templates that matched my brand vision and needs!

A few weeks ago, I discovered that they were running a New Year’s sale on Squarespace templates and branding materials that I have been pretty much drooling over for the longest time, went for it, and never looked back once! This rebrand is one that I am so incredibly excited for because, not only am I making things much prettier for you to look at online, but I am reworking {almost} the entire back end and marketing approach of my business {more on all this later!}. It’s been a pretty huge task, but I am having so much fun with it!

I know I keep saying this, but there are so many exciting things in the works right now, and I just can’t wait to share them with you! In the meantime, grab a cup of tea, kick your feet back, and take a look around my new and improved site. I would love to know what your favorite part of my site is! Send me an email to say hello and let me know at caity@caitkramer.com! Happy Friday eve, y’all!

  1. Rose says:

    Thanks so much for mentioning us! We love how you customized the site. Best wishes to you!

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